"Chapter 04"- "The Prayer To Make You Pure".
"This Prayer",
But Still Impure,
Like "The White Cow" But
With "One" Black Dot,
As Bawa Teaches Us,
and that is for sure.
Bawa. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In The Name of God, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate. Amen.
Bawa. O God, O my Father, O my Life, You are always protecting me. O my God, please save me from the ego that wants to claim Your kingdom. O God, this ego can not rule Your kingdom, it did not create anything and it can not sustain anything. O my God please show me how to peacefully end in You. O my God, please help me to show You moment to moment, hour to hour, day to day that I am through with Elizabeth Weiss, so You can take this life back to You.
Bawa. O my God this life is not separate from You. O God, please embrace me. O my God, please remove the nails that are crucifying my soul on its cross of the body. O my God, please do not allow me to die to the flesh before I die in You, so You can take me on the journey through the seven heavens. O my God, please dispel my doubt and fear with Your clarity, love and peace. O my God, only You can do this. O my God, Thank You for Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) whose unveiled teaching is Your final gift to the world. Ameen.
"This Prayer",
But Now Perfectly Pure,
As Now
"The Prayer To Make You Pure",
Now Like
"The Perfectly White Cow",
As Bawa Teaches Us,
and that is for sure.
Bawa. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In The Name of God, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate. Amen.
Bawa. O God, O my Father, O my Life, You are always protecting You, O My God, and that is for sure.
Bawa. O my God, please save You from “Me”, As Now the ego life that wants to claim Your kingdom, And Now Even What To “Return To You”, O My God, Rather Than Just Peacefully Letting Itself End In You, O My God, Having Truly Successfully Completed Its Only “One True Duty” To You, O My God, Which Is Now “Us” Peacefully, Truly, Ending, In You, O My God, So “You” Can Now Peacefully, Truly, Begin, In You, O My God, and that is for sure.
Bawa. O God, please save You from this ego life of “Me” who cannot rule Your kingdom, who did not create anything, and who cannot sustain anything, And Who Can Never, Ever “Return To You”, O My God, But Can Now Truly Join As “One With” You, O My God, First On “The Outside”, And Then Within, To Truly Let “You Return To You”, O My God, Peacefully “Letting Ourselves” Disappearing Into You, O My God, As “You Return To You”, O My God, As “Your Understanding of You”, Moment To Moment, For “The Rest” of Our Life In ‘The World”, O My God, and that is for sure.
Bawa. O my God please, please, please, show You how to peacefully end in You, O My God, As Now In Truth “You Witnessing You” Awakening To Yourself, Within “The Heart” of “The One” Who Has Now Truly “Let Himself End” In You, O My God, While Both “You and You” Still Can, O My God, and that is for sure.
Bawa. O my God, please help You to show You, moment to moment, hour to hour, day to day, that You Are Completely Through with “Me”, With “The 7 Hells” Now “Living & Thriving” Within “Me”, Within “My Mind” Within “Me”, O My God, That Are Now Being Nourished, Moment To Moment By “Me”, O My God, By “Everything” That “We” Now Do, O My God, Including Writing “Love Letters” To Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), O My God, and that is for sure.
Bawa. All of Which In Truth Is Just “A Refection” of “The 8th Hell” Now “Living & Thriving” Within “Me”, O My God, Within “My Mind” Within “Me”, O My God, Now Known Exclusively By “Me” As Elizabeth Weiss, In “My Ignorance of Me”, And In “Your Ignorance of You”, O My God, so You can take “this life” of Yours back to You, O My God, and that is for sure.
Bawa. O My God, “This Divine Life” of Yours, That You Placed Within “Our Elemental Life”, is not ‘“Separate From” You, O My God, and that is for sure, So It Is Now “Your Duty”, So It Is Now “Your Responsibility” To Now Pull “Your Divine Life” Back Into “You”, O My God, And “We” Now Give You Permission To Do “This True Hearts Work” Within “Us”, O My God, With You Now Truly “Destroying Us”, As Now “Separate From” You, O My God, And With You Now Truly “Revealing You” As Now “One With” You, O My God, While Both “You and You” Still Can, That Is, While Both “You And “Your Soul” Still Can, That Is, While Both “You Awakened To Yourself”, And “You Awakening To Yourself”, Still Can, O My God, and that is for sure.
Bawa. So please, please, please embrace You, O my God, please, please, please remove the nails that are crucifying “Your soul” on “Me”, O My God, On “My Elemental Life”, O My God, on the cross of “My body & My desires”, O My God, and that is for sure.
Bawa. O My God, please do not allow You to die to “My flesh” before You Die & Are Born in You, O My God, so You can take You on the journey through the seven heavens, O My God, and that is for sure.
Bawa. O My God, please dispel Your doubt and fear with Your clarity, love and peace. O my God, only You can do this, O My God, and that is for sure.
Bawa. And, O my God, Thank You for Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) whose unveiled teaching is Now Your “Final Gift” to You, Within You, O My God, and that is for sure. Ameen.
"The End"
of "Chapter 04"
"The Prayer To Make You Pure"
As "Love Letter 031",
To Aziza Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)