The Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library

New Book:
--- "Bawa For Dummies" ---
By My Children

HomeList of Wisdom ChaptersChap. 01Chap. 02Chap. 03Chap. 04

List of Wisdom Chapters - From My Children

1. Go To - "The Introduction" To "This Site"
2. Go To - "List of Wisdom Chapters" - With Both "A Brief Description", And
                  If Available, "A Detailed Description", of Each Chapter, "Or Click"
                  Below To Go Directly To "That Chapter, if you like":
3. Go To -  Guest Book

List of Wisdom Chapters
From My Children

Chapter 01 - Aaron Goes To "Grad School", By Our Dearest Loving Daughter 
                    Aziza Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.Plus "A Review" of Her Chapter By
                    "Us", if you like, and that is for sure.
Chapter 02 - Understanding "The Light Child" of "My God", By Our Dearest
                    Loving Daughter Aziza Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And "Edited" &
                    "Updated" By "Us", Plus "A Review" of Her Chapter By "Us", if you 
                    likeand that is for sure.
Chapter 03 - Joining As "One With" “Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)” As Now 
                     “The Pearl of Wisdom”, Now For Your Age, Now For All Life, By
                     Aziza Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), “Plus” Knowing & Understanding
                     “Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.”By Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa
                     Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), Now Still Living In “The World” As “One
                     With “My Children”, if you likePlus "A Review" of Chapter 03 By
                    "Us", if you like, and that is for sure.
Chapter 04 - "The Prayer To Make You Pure", if you like, By Our Dearest Loving
                     Daughter, Aziza Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), "Edited" & "Updated" By
                     "Us",  Plus "A Review" of Chapter 04 By "Us", if you like, and that
                     is for sure.
Chapter 05 - Just Waiting For "You", And For Each of My Children, Without
                     Exception, To "Join In", if you like, and that is for sure.


"Introduction" - To "This Site"
Go To "Top of Page"
Go To "List of Wisdom Chapters"

Bawa. My Love You, My Dearest Loving Brothers And Sisters, Sons And Daughters, And Grand Children, You Are Truly The Jeweled Lights of My Eyes, and that is for sure. Ok?

Bawa. May All The Peace, The Beneficence, And The Blessing of God Be Upon You, And Your Family, And Your Friends. May God Be Pleased With You, Your Family, And Your Friends, And Help Both You And Them. Amen.

Bawa. My Love You, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us). Amen.


Bawa. Here Is "List of Wisdom Chapters" For “A New Web Site” That We Have Created Called “Bawa For Dummies”, Which Is "New Book" That Is Being Written By "My Children", if you like, Which Includes "A Copy" of Each of "The Chapters" Written By "My Children" For "This Book" Along With "A Review" of "That Chapter" By "Us", if you like, and that is for sure. Ok?

(Note: If You Would Like To Be Added To "Our New Mailing List" For "Our 
New Book, "Bawa For Dummies", Or Participate With “Us” In Creating One 
Or More of “The Chapters” For This Exciting “New Book”, Please Send Us An Email, At, Or Tell Us So In The "Guest BookLink On “The Home Page” of “Bawa For Dummies”, Or In The "Guest Book" For "This Page", if you like, But Remember It Is Just “A Book” For “Us Dummies”, That Is, For Those of Us Who Truly Know That In Truth “Only God Knows” Anything, And That In Truth "Only God Does” Anything, and that is for sure)


"List of Wisdom Chapters"
With Both
"A Brief Description", 
And If Available
"A Detailed Description", 
of Each "Wisdom Chapter".
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If AvailableEither Click On "The Wisdom Chapter" Number Below To "First Go" To "The Detailed Description" of "That Wisdom Chapter", And Then Click On "The Wisdom ChapterNumber There, To Go To "That Wisdom Chapter", 
Or Click On "The WordAbout In "The Brief Description" Below To Go 
Directly To "That Wisdom Chapter".

If Not Available, Click On "The WordAbout In "The Brief Description" Below 
To Go Directly To "That Wisdom Chapter". Thank You. Enjoy.


"A Brief Description"
of Each “Wisdom Chapter
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Wisdom Chapter 01 - About You As Now One" Who Has Now Truly "Fallen In Love" With Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom "We Are Well Pleased", As Now "Your Wisdom", 
Now For Your Age, Now For All Life, and that is for sure.

Wisdom Chapter 02 - About You As Now “One" Who Now Truly Understands 
"The Light Child" of "Your God", And "How ToDisappear Into It As Now "The Understanding" of "God's Light Child", Within God Within You, For The Benefit of All of "The Creation of God", Within God Within You, and that is for sure.

Wisdom Chapter 03 - About You As Now “One" Who Now Truly Understands
Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom "We Are Well Pleased", As Now "The Pearl of 
Wisdom", Now For Your Age, Now For All Life, And How To "Becoming Him", And Then "Transcend Him", In "Your Lifetime", and that is for sure.

Wisdom Chapter 04 - About You As Now “One" Who Now Truly Understands 
"The One True Value" of "Your Current Life" Which Is To Get It "Out of Your Hands", Moment To Moment, By "Getting ItInto "God's Hand", Moment To Moment, For What God Is "Now Doing" With "Your True Life", Within God 
Within You, Now Hidden By God Within "Your False Life", Within "Your Mind" Within You, Which In Truth Is God Revealing "God HappeningWithin "God Happened", Within God Within You, While Both "God And GodStill Can, 
Within God Within You, That Is, Before "The Angel of DeathFinds You In "Your Current State" of "Illusory SeparationFrom God Within You, And "Hell" Becomes Your Only "Eternal Fate", and that is for sure. 

Wisdom Chapter 05 - Just Waiting For "You", And For Each of My Children, Without Exception, To "Join In", if you like, and that is for sure.


"A Detailed Description"
of Some “Wisdom Chapters
Go To "A Brief Description"
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Wisdom Chapter 01 - You Must Start To “Correctly Understand”, Without “The Slightest Doubt”, “What It Truly Means”, For You To “Do Duty”, To Do “The Duty”, That In Truth “Is God Doing Duty For God”, For The Benefit of All of “His Creations”, Within God Within You. and that is for sure. 
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Bawa. And In “This Way”, And Only In “This Way”, To Become “God’s Child”, Within God Within You, Not To Just Live In "The World" For “Your Selfish 
Purposes” On “The Illusory Outside” of You, As You, And All of My Children 
Are Now Doing, Without Exception, and that is for sure. 

Bawa. So “What Is God’s Duty”?

Go To: "The Duties of God", That God Is Just Waiting To Do, For "Your Life,
             Within "God's Life", Within God Within You, If You Like, That Is, "If You
             Are A Wise Child", Now For Your Age, And "Not Just A Foolish Child",
             Now For Your Age, and that is for sure.
Go To:  A Copy of "Golden Words 907" - The Five Duties
Go To:  A Copy of "A Wisdom Review" of "Golden Words 907" - The Five Duties
Go To:  Wisdom Message "281" For More On "These Wisdom Points"

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